Hey all,
So fellow blogger and gamer Klarg1 of "Bind Metal minis" and I have set a New Years goal to get some (hopefully) somewhat polished battle reports up online for the various mini games we play. Our plan is get some detailed turn by turn written as well as (gasp!) video battle reports up. This is the first in a series of reports that we'll be presenting which will lead up to the new boxed set "Return of the Overseers" as well as (possibly) a series of linked battles for Dropzone Commander that will deal with and introduce the Resistance and main campaign that's going on in that game world.
Our cross blog idea is that each of us will post up the same report (in terms of graphics) but give our own perspectives on how the battle went and our own turn by turn analysis. Hopefully the differing opinions will show how tactics evolve and different playstyles lead to different game decisions. Or it just might end up being a bunch of babble...but either way it'll come with pretty pictures :P.
For the complete report <<click here>>